Bio identical Hormone treatment Yucaipa, CA - Hormone Harmony Clinic

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. They are used for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to improve health and quality of life in individuals with hormone deficiencies.

Key benefits of bioidentical hormones include relief of symptoms related to age, menopause, and andropause such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, sleep issues, low libido, weight gain, decreased strength, vitality, poor quality of life, and other hormone imbalance signs.

Additionally, emerging evidence supports that BHRT treatment may help prevent the development or worsening of conditions including osteoporosis, heart disease, thyroid issues, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and more.

Types of Bioidentical Hormones

There are bioidentical versions of several key hormones including:

Our clinicians can prescribe customised treatment plans tailored to the needs of each individual patient through careful lab tests of hormone levels and consideration of symptoms and goals.

Our services

How are Bioidentical Hormones made?

There are multiple types of bioidentical hormones which are synthesised differently:

Compounding pharmacies specializing in BHRT can produce customized capsules, gels, injections, pellets, lotions, or creams from raw bioidentical hormones to suit each patient's needs.

Benefits of Bioidentical over Synthetic Hormones

Bioidentical hormones better mimic hormones created by the human body than traditional synthetic hormones so key advantages include:

At Hormone Harmony Clinic our speciality is BHRT using customised bioidentical hormones for optimised safety, efficacy and results.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Deficiencies

Our endocrinology and hormone focused clinicians are experts in recognising the signs and symptoms of various hormone deficiencies including:

Low Testosterone (Low T) Signs

Andropause or Low T in males may cause:

Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

Thyroid Deficiency Signs

Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease can cause:

Careful lab testing and diagnosis of deficiencies allows for truly customized bioidentical hormone therapy tailored to each patient.

Improve your health with BHRT - Take action now!

Importance of Prompt Diagnosis and Preventative Care

Many people suffer from hormone imbalances for years before seeking help, but recognizing deficiency symptoms early and promptly beginning treatment can prevent worsening symptoms and onset of related health issues.

Age related decline and menopause lead to gradually lowering hormone levels but imbalances can occur at any age. Key risk factors include:

✔️ Chronic stress ✔️ Thyroid disorders ✔️ Obesity ✔️ Pituitary disorders ✔️ Other genetic and medical issues

Our practitioners stay educated on cutting edge advances in hormonal and preventative medicine so you can benefit from the latest scientific findings and treatment guidelines.

Routine wellness panels and lab testing allow for early diagnosis and tailored therapies while patients are still feeling well instead of waiting for overt disease and deterioration.

Hormone Harmony Clinic Bioidentical HRT Process and Protocols

At Hormone Harmony Clinic our clinicians follow rigorous protocols for safe, effective bioidentical hormonal therapies including:

Step 1) Diagnostic Lab Tests

Initial blood, saliva or urine lab tests assess patient hormone levels and compare to optimal reference ranges. This allows deficiencies to be identified according to latest medical society guidelines.

Repeat testing may done to confirm any abnormal results.

Step 2) Physical Exam and Medical History

A complete patient history and physical examination provides clinical information to identify any related health issues and determine optimal therapy approach.

Step 3) Customized Treatment Plan

Our practitioners then thoughtfully prescribe a tailored combination of bioidentical hormones including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones and/or DHEA considering the totality of the:

This custom plan is created to restore hormone balance and vitality safely based on current medical knowledge and the unique aspects of each patient case.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are custom-compounded to match a person's natural hormone profile. Though promoted as more natural, there is little evidence that bioidenticals are safer or more effective than conventional hormone therapy for treating menopause symptoms or preventing chronic diseases.

Additional Lifestyle and Wellness Recommendations

Bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) can be further enhanced through adoption of supportive lifestyle habits and participation in your vibrant Yucaipa community such as:

Nutrient Dense Diets

Eating more greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts and anti-inflammatory foods aids hormone balance and overall health. Our team includes a registered dietitian for personalized nutrition guidance.

Regular Exercise

Physical activity helps regulate hormones, ease anxiety, promote restful sleep and reduce risks of chronic diseases. The mild Yucaipa climate allows for outdoor activities year round - take advantage by walking local trails or joining community fitness classes.

Stress Reduction Practices

Chronic stress further exacerbates hormone deficiencies leading to worsening symptoms. Carve out time daily to practice yoga, breathwork, mindfulness meditation and other proven stress management techniques widely available in your area to support HRT results.

Connection With Others

Isolation and loneliness are additional risk factors for suboptimal hormonal health. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family as you focus on your wellbeing goals through shared activities and your local houses of worship.

Please () or call our office if you have any symptoms of hormonal imbalance or general health and wellness concerns. We provide caring, individualized care to help you achieve balanced bliss throughout the lifespan.

Improve your health and quality of life!

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